JCI REGATTA makes waves in the 40th JCI Philippines Visayas Area Conference Quadro Awards last November 21-22, 2020 garnering the following awards:

✨Quadro Award for Best Youth Activities Program

The Outstanding Students of Iloilo Awards 2020

Project Chairmen: BOD Blessed Bea Plondaya and BOD Rommel Terante

✨Quadro Award for Best in Public Speaking

Sandro Silverio

✨Merit Award for Digital Marketing Campaign

Project Abiso

Project Chairmen: BOD Rommel Terante and VP Jo Maree Pearl Oyco

and to the chapter’s bids that were qualified in the final round:

✔️Best Local Growth and Development Program

Share It: Championing Your Advocacy

Project Chairmen: Sec Agustin Estoque and VP Jo Maree Pearl Oyco

✔️Best Local Corporate Social Responsibility Progam

Panublion 6.0

Project Chairmen: BOD Eleazar Danila and BOD Jan Pauline Gamuyao

✔️Most Outstanding JCI Member

Sir Estok, goes beyond the chalk by Sec Agustin Estoque

In JCI REGATTA, a captain is nothing without his crew. We are proud and grateful for everyone’s efforts to achieve these JCIPEA awards for the chapter:

✨PLATINUM Seal of Efficiency

✨One Star Impact Award

✨Motivate Award for 100% Efficiency in Training

Further, it is an honor to have our very own Angelo Henry Tribunal as this year’s Area Awards Chairperson.

Sail on JCI Regatta and brave the storms together!

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