GugmaMores: Planetary Lover Boy


On April 22, 2023, JCI project chairperson and environmental scientist Kurt Daniel Amores successfully led the implementation of the International Mother Earth Day (Invest in our Planet) Project in fulfillment of UN SDG 12, Sustainable consumption and production, fostering environmental awareness and promoting sustainability in Canmano, Sagbayan, and Maribojoc, Bohol. With sponsorships from (30) partners, a total of PHP 50,000 in cash and kind was raised by Amores to implement this project. The project successfully resulted in educating and empowering (200) pupils, learners, and teachers from (3) participating schools (Canmano Elementary School, Eugenio V. Amores Memorial High School, and Guiwanon Primary School) to envision and work towards a sustainable future through sustainable livelihoods and businesses. This was all achieved through the combined efforts of over (50) volunteers from (5) JCI Local Organization chapters and other public and private organizations.

JCI Project Chairperson Kurt Daniel Amores strategically crafted the objective of the project, “International Mother Earth Day,” with the intention of fostering environmental awareness and promoting sustainability in Canmano, Sagbayan, and Maribojoc, Bohol.

The primary objective is to empower the local community by equipping them with the vision and means to explore sustainable livelihood opportunities and generate income through environmentally-friendly methods.

To do so, children from the beneficiary schools are provided fun painting activities where they paint locally sourced native hats and tote bags. Furthermore, participants are given free vitamins and bamboo toothbrushes as provided by partners and sponsor organizations.


In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12 (sustainable consumption and production) and the United Nations General Assembly resolution A/RES/63/278, JCI Member Kurt Daniel Amores took the helm as project chairperson for the International Mother Earth Day (Invest in our Planet) in Canmano, Sagbayan, and Maribojoc, Bohol.

The purpose of this project was to cultivate environmental awareness and promote sustainability, with a strong emphasis on educating and empowering the local communities in Canmano, Sagbayan, and Maribojoc, Bohol. By encouraging greener methods, the project aimed to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to establish sustainable livelihoods and generate income streams. Aligned with the theme “Invest in our Planet” given by the United Nations, project chairperson Kurt Daniel Amores” implemented activities that signified the importance of investing in our environment for a more sustainable future.

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